Request Quotes
A purchase quote can be used as a preliminary draft for a purchase order, and the order can then be converted to a purchase invoice or an order.
To create a purchase quote
- Choose the icon, enter Purchase Quotes, and then choose the related link.
- Create a new document, in the same way as you make a purchase order. For more information, see Record Purchases.
To convert a purchase quote to a purchase order
When you have accepted the vendor's quote, you can convert it to a purchase invoice or order to process the purchase.
- Open a purchase quote that is ready to convert, and then choose the Make Order action.
The purchase quote is removed from the database. A purchase invoice or a purchase order is created based on the information in the purchase quote in which you can process the purchase. In the Quote No. field on the purchase invoice or purchase order, you can see the number of the purchase quote that it was made from.
See Also
Setting Up Purchasing
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