Create Incoming Document Records
On the Incoming Documents page, you can use different functions to review expense receipts, manage OCR tasks, and convert incoming document files, manually or automatically, to the relevant documents or journal lines. The external files can be attached at any process stage, including to posted documents and to the resulting vendor, customer, and general ledger entries.
To record an external document in Business Central, you must first create or complete an incoming document record. You can do this manually, or you can take a photo of the external document and then create the incoming document record with the image file attached.
Before you can use the Incoming Documents feature, you must perform the required setup. For more information, see Set Up Incoming Documents.
To approve or reject an incoming document
If you do want to allow users to create invoices or general journal lines from incoming document records unless they are approved, you can set up approvers who must approve the records before they can be processed.
- Choose the icon, enter Incoming Documents, and then choose the related link.
- Select the line with the document that you want to approve or reject, and then choose the Approve or Reject actions.
If you approve the incoming document record, the Released check box on the incoming document line is selected. The user in charge of creating, for example, purchase invoices can proceed to process the record.
To create an incoming document record by taking a photo
The following procedure only applies to the Business Central Tablet and Phone clients.
On the app bar, choose the Create Incoming Document from Camera tile, and then go to step 4.
Alternatively, on the app bar, choose the options button, choose Incoming Documents, and then choose All.
On the Incoming Documents page, choose the ellipsis button, and then choose Create from Camera. The camera on the tablet or phone is activated.
Take a photo of a document, such as a purchase receipt, that you want to process as an incoming document, and then choose the OK button.
A new incoming document record is created, with the image attached.
To attach an image to an incoming document record by taking a photo
The following procedure only applies to the Business Central Tablet and Phone clients.
On the app bar, choose the options button, choose Incoming Documents, and then choose All.
Open the card for an existing incoming document record.
On the Incoming Document page, choose the ellipsis button, and then choose Attach Image from Camera. The camera on the tablet or phone is activated.
Take a photo of a document, such as a purchase receipt, that you want to process as an incoming document, and then choose the OK button.
The image is attached to the incoming document record.
To create an incoming document record manually
- Choose the icon, enter Incoming Documents, and then choose the related link.
- Choose the Create from File action.
- On the Insert File page, select a file, and then choose Open. The file is automatically attached.
- Alternatively, choose the New action.
- To attach a file, choose the Attach File action.
- On the Insert File page, select the file that represents the incoming document in question, and then choose the Open button.
- On the Incoming Document page, fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
See Also
Process Incoming Documents
Incoming Documents
Working with Business Central
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