Payments Cartera Module
The Payments Cartera module allows you to manage payables documents generated from purchase invoices or from the Cartera Journal. The documents can be managed by:
- Bank
- Due date
- Value
- Currency
Payment Orders
A payment order is comprised of one or several documents that are grouped for delivery to a bank.
There are different criteria for grouping documents into a single payment order. You can group documents sent to the same vendor, documents that have the same due date, documents sent to the same address, and so on.
Use the Payments Cartera module to manage the following:
Drafts of payment orders to vendors (payment confirmation)
Distinct payables documents
The drafts, payment orders to vendors, and distinct payables documents can be managed in your local currency or original currency.
Finance charges from financial entities are included.
Payment confirmation is a service provided by a financial entity. With payment confirmation, you can manage a company’s payments to its suppliers, and use the invoice to charge the customers or vendors before the due date.
See Also
Cartera Module
Receivables Cartera Module
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