VAT-VIES Reporting
Danish companies must submit VAT declarations for trade of goods or services with other EU countries/regions. You can create the required file by using the VAT- VIES Declaration Disk batch job.
Reporting EU Sales
In order to track VAT for the trade of goods or services between EU countries/regions, you must submit information about this trade to the Danish Listesystem. The VAT- VIES Declaration Disk batch job creates a comma-separated file that you can then upload to the tax authorities at the site. Before you create the file, you can verify your customers’ VAT registration number online. The tax authorities also recommend that you do not submit large files to the online portal. If your declaration consists of more than 1,000 lines, it is recommended that you submit several smaller files instead. For more information, see the tax authorities’ website.
See Also
Denmark Local Functionality
Print VAT Reconciliation Reports
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