Exchange Rates Adjustment Feature (Recalculation of Receivables and Payables)
The majority of companies in the Czech Republic request the following improvements to be implemented in Exchange Rates Adjustment:
- Ability to run Exchange Rates Adjustment for Customers, Vendors and Bank Accounts separately
- Ability to have Exchange Rates Adjustment batch post adjustments in detail as well as summarized per currency
- Ability to run Exchange Rates Adjustment just as simulation (without posting) in Test Mode
On standard report Adjust Exchange Rates is now possible to:
- Set Bank Account, Customer, Vendor filter for adjustment
- Choose adjustment for Customer or Vendor or Bank Account
- Choose the test mode
- Choose to summarize entries
- Choose the method for dimensions transfer
The Adjust Exchange Rate report feature also modifies the calculation principle for implemented gains and losses based on the Income Tax Act. This feature calculates the implemented gain or loss against the recently adjusted amount. This feature in the standard version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central reverses the unrealized gain or loss first, and calculates the realized gain or loss afterwards. The calculation is made against the amount in the original exchange rate during the application of the payment and the invoice. The new calculation principle handles deviations from the currently adjusted exchange rate. The Adjust Exchange Rates batch job was extended to include the Czech Advance Payments module.
See Also
Core Localization Pack for Czech
Czech Local Functionality
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